HealthCare and Medical Research

  1. Medical Diagnosis Prompt: Given the patient's symptoms and medical history, provide a diagnosis for their condition.


Prompt: Diagnose the patient based on the following symptoms: fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
Expected Output: The patient is likely suffering from pneumonia.
  1. Drug Interaction Check Prompt: Check for potential drug interactions between the prescribed medications for a patient.


Prompt: Check for drug interactions between Drug A (antibiotic) and Drug B (antihypertensive).
Expected Output: There is a potential interaction between Drug A and Drug B, leading to increased blood pressure.
  1. Patient Risk Assessment Prompt: Assess the patient's risk of developing cardiovascular disease based on their medical history and lifestyle factors.


Prompt: Assess the patient's risk of cardiovascular disease considering age, family history, smoking status, and cholesterol levels.
Expected Output: The patient is at moderate risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
  1. Drug Dosage Recommendation Prompt: Recommend the appropriate dosage of a medication based on the patient's age, weight, and medical condition.


Prompt: Recommend the appropriate dosage of Drug C (pain reliever) for a 12-year-old patient weighing 40 kg.
Expected Output: The recommended dosage for Drug C is 250 mg every 6 hours.
  1. Medical Image Analysis Prompt: Analyze the provided MRI scan to identify and locate any abnormalities in the brain.


Prompt: Analyze the MRI scan to detect the presence of any tumors or lesions in the brain.
Expected Output: A tumor is detected in the frontal lobe of the brain.
  1. Disease Progression Prediction Prompt: Predict the progression of a chronic disease based on the patient's medical history and treatment plan.


Prompt: Predict the progression of Type 2 diabetes in the patient over the next five years, considering lifestyle changes and medication.
Expected Output: The patient's condition is likely to remain stable with proper management.
  1. Genetic Mutation Analysis Prompt: Analyze the patient's genetic data to identify any mutations associated with inherited diseases.


Prompt: Analyze the patient's genetic data for mutations related to cystic fibrosis.
Expected Output: The patient carries a mutation in the CFTR gene associated with cystic fibrosis.
  1. Patient Adherence Monitoring Prompt: Monitor the patient's adherence to their prescribed medication and treatment plan.


Prompt: Monitor the patient's adherence to taking Medication X daily for the past three months.
Expected Output: The patient has been 80% adherent to Medication X during the monitoring period.
  1. Clinical Trial Participant Selection Prompt: Select eligible participants for a clinical trial based on specific inclusion and exclusion criteria.


Prompt: Select eligible participants for a clinical trial testing a new treatment for Alzheimer's disease.
Expected Output: Participants must be aged 60-80, have mild to moderate Alzheimer's, and not have a history of other neurological disorders.
  1. Medical Literature Search Prompt: Conduct a literature search to find relevant research papers on the treatment of a rare disease.


Prompt: Conduct a literature search on treatment options for Disease Y in pediatric patients.
Expected Output: Retrieve research papers on novel treatments for Disease Y in pediatric populations.
  1. Drug Repurposing Exploration Prompt: Explore potential drug candidates for repurposing in the treatment of a new medical condition.


Prompt: Identify existing drugs that may be repurposed for treating COVID-19.
Expected Output: Drug Z, originally used for another condition, shows potential for antiviral activity against COVID-19.
  1. Patient Electronic Health Record (EHR) Summarization Prompt: Generate a concise summary of a patient's EHR, including key medical history and diagnoses.


Prompt: Summarize the patient's EHR, including medical history, allergies, and current medications.
Expected Output: The patient has a history of asthma, is allergic to penicillin, and is currently taking medications A, B, and C.
  1. Medical Chatbot Interaction Prompt: Simulate a conversation between a patient and a medical chatbot for common health inquiries.


Prompt: Simulate a conversation where the patient asks the chatbot about the symptoms of the flu.
Expected Output: Chatbot: Common flu symptoms include fever, cough, and body aches.
  1. Clinical Decision Support Prompt: Provide evidence-based recommendations to support a physician's decision-making process.


Prompt: Provide evidence-based treatment recommendations for managing hypertension in elderly patients.
Expected Output: First-line treatment options include medication X or lifestyle modifications.
  1. Patient Health Monitoring Prompt: Monitor a patient's vital signs and alert healthcare professionals in case of abnormalities.


Prompt: Monitor the patient's heart rate and blood pressure for any sudden changes.
Expected Output: Alert healthcare professionals if the heart rate exceeds 100 bpm or blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mmHg.
  1. Patient Discharge Summary Prompt: Generate a comprehensive discharge summary for a patient who has undergone surgery.


Prompt: Create a discharge summary for the patient who underwent knee replacement surgery.
Expected Output: The patient underwent successful knee replacement surgery and is recommended physical therapy for recovery.
  1. Health Risk Prediction Prompt: Predict the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes based on lifestyle factors and family history.


Prompt: Predict the risk of Type 2 diabetes for a 40-year-old individual with a sedentary lifestyle and a family history of diabetes.
Expected Output: The individual has a high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
  1. Clinical Trial Outcome Prediction Prompt: Predict the outcome of a clinical trial for a new cancer treatment based on preliminary data.


Prompt: Predict the response rate of patients in the clinical trial testing Drug Y for lung cancer.
Expected Output: Based on preliminary data, the response rate is estimated to be 30%.
  1. Patient Symptom Severity Assessment Prompt: Assess the severity of a patient's symptoms and determine the appropriate level of care.


Prompt: Assess the severity of the patient's chest pain and determine if immediate medical attention is required.
Expected Output: The chest pain is severe, and immediate medical attention is recommended.
  1. Medical Entity Recognition Prompt: Identify and label medical entities in the following clinical note: 'Patient presented with a fever and sore throat.'


Prompt: Perform medical entity recognition on the clinical note: 'Patient presented with a fever and sore throat.'
Expected Output: 
        - Entity: fever, Label: SYMPTOM
        - Entity: sore throat, Label: SYMPTOM
  1. Drug Side Effect Detection Prompt: Detect potential side effects of a medication based on patient reports and adverse event data.


Prompt: Detect potential side effects of Drug W (antidepressant) based on patient reports and adverse event data.
Expected Output: Common side effects of Drug W include drowsiness, nausea, and headache.
  1. Patient Risk Stratification Prompt: Stratify patients into risk groups based on their risk factors for a specific medical condition.


Prompt: Stratify patients into low, medium, and high-risk groups for developing heart disease based on age, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure.
Expected Output: Low-risk: Age < 45, cholesterol < 200 mg/dL, blood pressure < 120/80 mmHg.
  1. Patient Self-Care Plan Prompt: Generate a personalized self-care plan for a patient with a chronic condition.


Prompt: Create a self-care plan for the patient with Type 1 diabetes, including blood glucose monitoring and insulin administration.
Expected Output: The self-care plan includes monitoring blood glucose levels, administering insulin as prescribed, and maintaining a balanced diet.
  1. Health Data Privacy Assessment Prompt: Assess the privacy and security risks associated with sharing patient health data.


Prompt: Assess the privacy risks of sharing patient health data with a third-party research organization.
Expected Output: The data sharing may pose privacy risks if adequate security measures are not in place.
  1. Healthcare Resource Allocation Prompt: Optimize resource allocation in a hospital setting based on patient needs and bed availability.


Prompt: Optimize bed allocation in the hospital considering patient acuity and available resources.
Expected Output: Assign high-acuity patients to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and low-acuity patients to the general ward.
  1. Patient Treatment Preference Prompt: Capture the patient's treatment preferences and goals for their medical care.


Prompt: Capture the patient's treatment preferences and goals for managing their chronic pain.
Expected Output: The patient prefers non-opioid pain management and focuses on improving daily functioning.
  1. Clinical Note Text Summarization Prompt: Generate a concise summary of the patient's clinical note for easy reference.


Prompt: Summarize the patient's clinical note: 'Patient has a history of asthma and seasonal allergies. Prescribed medication for symptom relief.'
Expected Output: Patient with asthma and allergies; prescribed medication for symptom relief.
  1. Medical Literature Sentiment Analysis Prompt: Analyze the sentiment of research articles on a specific medical treatment.


Prompt: Analyze the sentiment of research articles on Drug V (anti-inflammatory) for managing arthritis.
Expected Output: The majority of articles express a positive sentiment towards Drug V's efficacy in arthritis treatment.
  1. Patient Rehabilitation Progress Tracking Prompt: Track the patient's progress in physical therapy and rehabilitation after surgery.


Prompt: Track the patient's progress in physical therapy following knee surgery and report improvements in range of motion and pain levels.
Expected Output: Patient's range of motion has improved by 20%, and pain levels have decreased by 30%.
  1. Medical Data Imputation Prompt: Impute missing data in the patient's medical records using relevant information from similar cases.


Prompt: Impute missing height data for the patient based on age, gender, and historical data of other patients.
Expected Output: Imputed height: 170 cm, based on age, gender, and historical data.
  1. Patient Care Plan Evaluation Prompt: Evaluate the effectiveness of a patient's care plan in managing their chronic condition.


Prompt: Evaluate the patient's care plan for diabetes management and assess improvements in blood glucose levels and HbA1c.
Expected Output: The patient's care plan resulted in a 10% reduction in HbA1c levels over three months.
  1. Clinical Trial Design Recommendation Prompt: Recommend the appropriate study design for testing the effectiveness of a new vaccine.


Prompt: Recommend the study design for testing the efficacy of Vaccine Z against a viral infection.
Expected Output: A randomized controlled trial with a placebo group is recommended to assess the vaccine's efficacy.
  1. Patient Satisfaction Survey Analysis Prompt: Analyze patient satisfaction survey responses to identify areas of improvement in healthcare services.


Prompt: Analyze patient satisfaction survey responses and identify areas of improvement for hospital services.
Expected Output: Areas of improvement include reducing waiting times and improving staff communication.
  1. Healthcare Cost Analysis Prompt: Analyze healthcare costs associated with treating specific medical conditions.


Prompt: Analyze the healthcare costs associated with managing chronic kidney disease in elderly patients.
Expected Output: The cost of treating chronic kidney disease in elderly patients averages $10,000 per year.
  1. Patient Fall Risk Assessment Prompt: Assess the risk of falls in elderly patients based on medical history and mobility levels.


Prompt: Assess the fall risk of an elderly patient with a history of previous falls and reduced mobility.
Expected Output: The patient is at a high risk of falls and requires additional precautions.
  1. Patient Discharge Planning Prompt: Develop a comprehensive discharge plan for a patient with complex medical needs.


Prompt: Create a discharge plan for a patient with heart failure, including medication management and follow-up appointments.
Expected Output: The discharge plan includes medication instructions, home care instructions, and a follow-up appointment with a cardiologist.
  1. Patient Quality of Life Assessment Prompt: Assess the patient's quality of life and well-being after undergoing cancer treatment.


Prompt: Assess the patient's quality of life post-cancer treatment using a validated quality-of-life scale.
Expected Output: The patient's quality of life score indicates an improvement in overall well-being after treatment.
  1. Medical Text Augmentation Prompt: Augment medical text data by generating synonyms for medical terms.


Prompt: Augment the medical text data by generating synonyms for the term 'hypertension'.
Expected Output: Synonyms: high blood pressure, elevated blood pressure, systemic arterial hypertension.
  1. Medical Procedure Recommendation Prompt: Recommend the most suitable medical procedure for a patient based on their condition.


Prompt: Recommend the appropriate surgical procedure for a patient with gallstones.
Expected Output: Cholecystectomy is recommended for the patient's gallstone removal.
  1. Health Risk Communication Prompt: Communicate health risks associated with certain behaviors to patients to promote healthier choices.


Prompt: Communicate the health risks of smoking to a patient and encourage smoking cessation.
Expected Output: Smoking increases the risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems.
  1. Medication Adherence Prediction Prompt: Predict the likelihood of a patient adhering to their prescribed medication regimen.


Prompt: Predict the likelihood of a patient adhering to their prescribed medication for managing hypertension.
Expected Output: The patient has a 70% likelihood of adhering to the prescribed medication.
  1. Patient Language Preference Prompt: Identify the patient's preferred language for healthcare communication and documentation.


Prompt: Identify the patient's preferred language for medical records and communication with healthcare providers.
Expected Output: The patient's preferred language is Spanish.
  1. Medical Equipment Recommendation Prompt: Recommend appropriate medical equipment for a patient based on their specific needs.


Prompt: Recommend a mobility aid for a patient with limited mobility due to arthritis.
Expected Output: A walking cane with ergonomic handle design is recommended for enhanced stability.
  1. Patient Education Material Generation Prompt: Generate patient education material on managing chronic pain through non-pharmacological interventions.


Prompt: Generate patient education material on managing chronic pain through relaxation techniques and physical therapy.
Expected Output: Patient education material on various relaxation techniques and physical exercises for pain management.
  1. Patient Mental Health Assessment Prompt: Assess the mental health of a patient using a standardized depression assessment scale.


Prompt: Assess the patient's mental health using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) for depression.
Expected Output: The patient's PHQ-9 score indicates moderate depression symptoms.
  1. Patient Dietary Restriction Prompt: Identify dietary restrictions and allergies for a patient and suggest suitable meal options.


Prompt: Identify dietary restrictions and allergies for the patient and suggest suitable vegetarian meal options.
Expected Output: Suggested meal options: Vegetable stir-fry, quinoa salad, and vegetable curry.
  1. Medication Efficacy Analysis Prompt: Analyze the efficacy of a medication in clinical trials for a specific medical condition.


Prompt: Analyze the efficacy of Drug D (antiviral) in clinical trials for treating respiratory infections.
Expected Output: Drug D demonstrated a 90% success rate in reducing viral load in respiratory infections.
  1. Patient Genetic Counseling Prompt: Provide genetic counseling to a patient regarding the potential risks of an inherited condition.


Prompt: Provide genetic counseling to a patient about the risks of inheriting a genetic disorder from their parents.
Expected Output: The patient has a 50% chance of inheriting the genetic disorder from either parent.
  1. Medical Data Cleaning Prompt: Clean and pre-process medical data by removing duplicates and handling missing values.


Prompt: Clean and preprocess the medical dataset to remove duplicate entries and impute missing data.
Expected Output: The cleaned dataset has removed duplicates and imputed missing values.
  1. Patient Vaccination Recommendation Prompt: Recommend appropriate vaccinations for a patient based on their age, medical history, and risk factors.


Prompt: Recommend vaccinations for a 60-year-old patient with diabetes and no prior history of chickenpox or shingles.
Expected Output: Recommendations: Influenza vaccine, pneumococcal vaccine, and herpes zoster vaccine.
Last Updated:
Contributors: rparth07