Financial Services

  1. Financial Forecasting Prompt: Predict the stock price of Company X for the next 30 days based on historical data and market trends.


Prompt: Predict the stock price of Company X for the next 30 days.
Expected Output: The predicted stock price for Company X is $150 per share in 30 days.
  1. Credit Risk Assessment Prompt: Assess the credit risk of a loan applicant based on their credit score, income, and debt-to-income ratio.


Prompt: Assess the credit risk of the loan applicant with a credit score of 650, an annual income of $50,000, and a debt-to-income ratio of 40%.
Expected Output: The loan applicant is categorized as medium credit risk.
  1. Fraud Detection Prompt: Detect potential fraudulent transactions based on transaction patterns and customer behavior.


Prompt: Detect potential fraudulent transactions in the credit card transactions dataset.
Expected Output: Flag transactions with unusually large amounts or transactions from multiple locations in a short time.
  1. Algorithmic Trading Strategy Prompt: Develop an algorithmic trading strategy for buying and selling stocks based on technical indicators.


Prompt: Develop an algorithmic trading strategy for buying stocks when the 50-day moving average crosses above the 200-day moving average.
Expected Output: The strategy generates buy signals for stock XYZ when the moving averages crossover.
  1. Loan Approval Recommendation Prompt: Recommend whether to approve or reject a loan application based on risk assessment and creditworthiness.


Prompt: Recommend approval or rejection of the loan application with a credit score of 720 and a stable employment history.
Expected Output: The loan application is recommended for approval.
  1. Personal Financial Planning Prompt: Generate a personalized financial plan for a client based on their income, expenses, and financial goals.


Prompt: Generate a financial plan for the client to achieve their goal of saving for retirement in 20 years.
Expected Output: The financial plan recommends saving $500 per month for retirement.
  1. Portfolio Optimization Prompt: Optimize a portfolio of investments to achieve maximum returns with acceptable risk levels.


Prompt: Optimize the investment portfolio to maximize returns while maintaining a risk level below 10%.
Expected Output: The optimized portfolio consists of 40% stocks, 30% bonds, and 30% cash.
  1. Financial Market Sentiment Analysis Prompt: Analyze financial news and social media data to gauge market sentiment and its impact on stock prices.


Prompt: Analyze financial news and social media data to gauge market sentiment and its correlation with stock price movements.
Expected Output: Positive sentiment in news and social media is associated with an increase in stock prices.
  1. Currency Exchange Rate Prediction Prompt: Predict the exchange rate between two currencies based on historical exchange rate data and economic indicators.


Prompt: Predict the exchange rate between the US Dollar and Euro for the next 30 days.
Expected Output: The predicted exchange rate is 1.20 USD/EUR in 30 days.
  1. Financial Market Volatility Forecasting Prompt: Forecast market volatility using historical price data and options implied volatility.


Prompt: Forecast market volatility for the S&P 500 index using historical price data and options implied volatility.
Expected Output: The forecasted volatility for the next month is 15%.
  1. Stock Market Index Prediction Prompt: Predict the future value of a stock market index (e.g., S&P 500) using time series analysis.


Prompt: Predict the future value of the S&P 500 index based on historical data and economic indicators.
Expected Output: The predicted value of the S&P 500 index is 4,000 in the next quarter.
  1. Customer Churn Prediction Prompt: Predict customer churn in a subscription-based service using customer behavior data.


Prompt: Predict customer churn in a telecommunications company based on customer usage patterns and complaints history.
Expected Output: The churn prediction model identifies 20% of customers at high risk of churning.
  1. Retirement Savings Calculator Prompt: Calculate the required monthly savings to achieve a specific retirement goal.


Prompt: Calculate the required monthly savings to accumulate $1 million for retirement in 30 years, assuming a 6% annual return.
Expected Output: The required monthly savings amount is $1,500.
  1. Financial Statement Analysis Prompt: Analyze the financial statements of a company to assess its financial health and performance.


Prompt: Analyze the financial statements of Company Y to evaluate its profitability, liquidity, and solvency.
Expected Output: Company Y shows healthy profitability and strong liquidity, but long-term debt is high.
  1. Insurance Premium Estimation Prompt: Estimate insurance premiums for different coverage options based on customer demographics and risk factors.


Prompt: Estimate the insurance premium for a 30-year-old driver with a clean driving record and a new car.
Expected Output: The estimated premium for comprehensive coverage is $800 per year.
  1. Stock Price Correlation Analysis Prompt: Analyze the correlation between the stock prices of two companies to assess their relationship.


Prompt: Analyze the correlation between the stock prices of Company A and Company B over the past year.
Expected Output: The correlation coefficient indicates a strong positive correlation between the two stocks.
  1. Loan Refinancing Recommendation Prompt: Recommend whether a borrower should refinance their mortgage based on interest rates and loan terms.


Prompt: Recommend whether the borrower should refinance their mortgage to take advantage of lower interest rates.
Expected Output: Refinancing is recommended as it can save the borrower $200 per month.
  1. Financial News Summarization Prompt: Summarize financial news articles to provide key insights to investors and traders.


Prompt: Summarize the latest financial news on Company Z's earnings report and its impact on the stock price.
Expected Output: Company Z's earnings exceeded expectations, leading to a 10% increase in stock price.
  1. Stock Market Trend Analysis Prompt: Analyze historical stock market data to identify long-term trends and potential market cycles.


Prompt: Analyze historical data to identify long-term trends in the stock market and potential bull or bear market cycles.
Expected Output: The analysis indicates a long-term bullish trend in the market with periodic corrections.
  1. Financial Data Visualization Prompt: Visualize financial data, such as stock prices or economic indicators, to gain insights.


Prompt: Visualize the historical stock prices of Company B using line charts and candlestick charts.
Expected Output: Line chart showing stock price trends and candlestick chart for daily price fluctuations.
  1. Loan Default Prediction Prompt: Predict the likelihood of loan default for individual borrowers based on historical loan performance.


Prompt: Predict the likelihood of loan default for borrowers with a credit score below 600 and a history of late payments.
Expected Output: The model predicts a 40% likelihood of loan default for this group.
  1. Financial Chatbot Interaction Prompt: Simulate a conversation between a customer and a financial chatbot for account inquiries.


Prompt: Simulate a conversation where the customer asks the chatbot about their account balance and recent transactions.
Expected Output: Chatbot: Your account balance is $5,000, and your recent transactions include purchases at Store X and Restaurant Y.
  1. Market Entry Strategy Recommendation Prompt: Recommend an optimal market entry strategy for a company planning to expand globally.


Prompt: Recommend the optimal market entry strategy for Company C planning to expand into the Asian market.
Expected Output: Entering through strategic partnerships with local companies is recommended for efficient market penetration.
  1. Financial Market News Sentiment Analysis Prompt: Analyze the sentiment of financial market news articles to predict market sentiment.


Prompt: Analyze the sentiment of financial news articles from major news sources and predict market sentiment for the next week.
Expected Output: Positive sentiment in the news is associated with a bullish market outlook.
  1. Stock Price Prediction Model Evaluation Prompt: Evaluate the performance of a stock price prediction model using historical data.


Prompt: Evaluate the performance of the stock price prediction model for Company D using historical data and performance metrics.
Expected Output: The model achieved an accuracy of 75% in predicting stock price movements.
  1. Financial Education Content Generation Prompt: Generate educational content on financial planning and investing for novice investors.


Prompt: Generate educational content on the basics of budgeting, saving, and investing for novice investors.
Expected Output: Content covering budgeting tips, saving strategies, and the benefits of diversification in investment.
  1. Savings Goal Progress Tracking Prompt: Track the progress of a customer's savings goal and provide periodic updates.


Prompt: Track the customer's progress towards their savings goal of $10,000 for a vacation trip.
Expected Output: The customer has saved $5,000, reaching 50% of the savings goal.
  1. Financial Data Anomaly Detection Prompt: Detect anomalies in financial data, such as unusual trading patterns or transaction amounts.


Prompt: Detect anomalies in the financial transaction data and flag suspicious transactions for further investigation.
Expected Output: Transactions with amounts significantly deviating from the mean are flagged as potential anomalies.
  1. Budget Optimization Prompt: Optimize a household budget to achieve financial goals and reduce unnecessary expenses.


Prompt: Optimize the household budget to increase savings and reduce non-essential expenses.
Expected Output: Recommendations include reducing dining-out expenses and reallocating funds to savings.
  1. Interest Rate Forecasting Prompt: Forecast interest rates for loans and savings accounts based on economic indicators.


Prompt: Forecast interest rates for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages and savings accounts for the next quarter.
Expected Output: Interest rates for mortgages are forecasted to increase slightly, while savings account rates remain stable.
  1. Financial Product Recommendation Prompt: Recommend suitable financial products to customers based on their risk tolerance and financial goals.


Prompt: Recommend financial products to a customer with a conservative risk tolerance and a goal of wealth preservation.
Expected Output: Recommendations include low-risk investments and fixed-income securities.
  1. Real Estate Investment Analysis Prompt: Analyze the potential return on investment for a real estate property based on rental income and property appreciation.


Prompt: Analyze the potential ROI for a residential property with a rental income of $2,000 per month and projected property appreciation.
Expected Output: The estimated ROI is 8% annually, considering rental income and property appreciation.
  1. Mortgage Affordability Calculation Prompt: Calculate the maximum affordable mortgage amount for a customer based on income and debt obligations.


Prompt: Calculate the maximum affordable mortgage amount for a customer with a monthly income of $5,000 and total debt payments of $800.
Expected Output: The maximum affordable mortgage amount is $1,200 per month.
  1. Loan Amortization Schedule Prompt: Generate a loan amortization schedule for a mortgage or personal loan.


Prompt: Generate a loan amortization schedule for a 30-year mortgage with a principal amount of $200,000 and an interest rate of 4%.
Expected Output: The amortization schedule shows monthly payments, interest, and remaining balance.
  1. Financial Compliance Monitoring Prompt: Monitor financial transactions to ensure compliance with regulations and detect potential money laundering activities.


Prompt: Monitor financial transactions for suspicious activities and flag potential money laundering attempts.
Expected Output: Transactions involving large cash deposits and frequent international transfers are flagged for review.
  1. Market Sector Analysis Prompt: Analyze the performance of different market sectors to identify potential investment opportunities.


Prompt: Analyze the performance of technology, healthcare, and energy sectors in the stock market over the past year.
Expected Output: The technology sector outperformed other sectors with a 20% return in the past year.
  1. Stock Portfolio Risk Assessment Prompt: Assess the overall risk of an investment portfolio based on the correlation and volatility of individual stocks.


Prompt: Assess the risk of the investment portfolio composed of stocks A, B, and C with their respective volatility and correlation.
Expected Output: The portfolio risk is moderate, considering the diversification of assets.
  1. Financial Goal Progress Visualization Prompt: Visualize the progress towards achieving financial goals using charts and graphs.


Prompt: Visualize the progress towards retirement savings goal and other financial goals using line charts and pie charts.
Expected Output: Line chart showing retirement savings progress and pie chart showing allocation of funds to different goals.
  1. Market News Impact Analysis Prompt: Analyze the impact of major news events on the stock market and investor sentiment.


Prompt: Analyze the impact of the Federal Reserve's interest rate decision on the stock market and investor sentiment.
Expected Output: The interest rate cut resulted in a bullish market sentiment and stock price rally.
  1. Financial Trend Identification Prompt: Identify and predict financial trends, such as bear markets or economic recessions.


Prompt: Identify potential financial trends that may indicate an upcoming bear market in the stock market.
Expected Output: The analysis suggests an increasing number of market sell-offs and declining investor confidence.
  1. Cryptocurrency Price Prediction Prompt: Predict the future price of a cryptocurrency based on historical price data and market indicators.


Prompt: Predict the future price of Bitcoin based on historical price data and market sentiment indicators.
Expected Output: The predicted price of Bitcoin is $100,000 in six months, driven by increasing demand.
  1. Market Order Execution Prompt: Optimize the execution of market orders for buying or selling financial instruments.


Prompt: Optimize the execution of market orders for buying 1,000 shares of stock XYZ at the best available price.
Expected Output: The market order is executed at the current market price of $50 per share.
  1. Stock Price Event Analysis Prompt: Analyze the impact of corporate events, such as earnings announcements, on stock prices.


Prompt: Analyze the impact of Company M's earnings announcement on its stock price and trading volume.
Expected Output: The positive earnings surprise led to a 10% increase in stock price and higher trading volume.
  1. Financial Data Privacy Assessment Prompt: Assess the privacy and security risks associated with storing and processing financial data.


Prompt: Assess the privacy risks of storing customer financial data on a cloud-based server.
Expected Output: The data storage and encryption measures comply with industry standards, minimizing privacy risks.
  1. Algorithmic Trading Backtesting Prompt: Backtest algorithmic trading strategies using historical market data to evaluate performance.


Prompt: Backtest the performance of a moving average crossover trading strategy using historical stock price data.
Expected Output: The backtest results show an annualized return of 12% over the past five years.
  1. Financial News Aggregation Prompt: Aggregate and summarize financial news articles from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive overview.


Prompt: Aggregate and summarize financial news articles related to cryptocurrency from major news outlets.
Expected Output: Summary of news articles covering market trends, regulatory updates, and technological advancements.
  1. Stock Price Correlation Heatmap Prompt: Visualize the correlation matrix of stock prices to identify diversification opportunities.


Prompt: Visualize the correlation heatmap of stock prices for a portfolio of tech companies.
Expected Output: Heatmap showing the correlation coefficients between different stocks.
  1. Financial Market Regression Analysis Prompt: Perform regression analysis to identify the factors influencing stock prices.


Prompt: Perform regression analysis to identify the factors influencing the stock price of Company N.
Expected Output: The regression model identifies factors such as company earnings and industry performance as significant predictors.
  1. Financial Portfolio Stress Testing Prompt: Stress test an investment portfolio to assess its resilience under adverse market conditions.


Prompt: Stress test the investment portfolio to assess its performance in a market downturn scenario.
Expected Output: The stress test indicates a moderate decline in portfolio value during the simulated market crash.
  1. Financial Transaction Sequence Clustering Prompt: Cluster financial transactions based on customer behavior to identify transaction patterns.


Prompt: Cluster financial transactions to identify spending patterns and categorize customers based on their behavior.
Expected Output: Transactions are clustered into categories such as travel expenses, dining out, and utility payments.
Last Updated:
Contributors: rparth07