
  1. Network Traffic Analysis Prompt: Develop an AI model to analyze network traffic patterns and detect anomalies indicative of cyber threats.


Prompt: Train an AI model to analyze network traffic and identify suspicious activities, such as unusual data transfers or unauthorized access attempts.
Expected Output: The AI model detects and alerts about potential cyber threats based on abnormal network traffic patterns.
  1. Phishing Email Detection Prompt: Train a machine learning model to identify and flag phishing emails to prevent email-based attacks.


Prompt: Create a machine learning model capable of detecting phishing emails by analyzing email content and sender information.
Expected Output: The machine learning model identifies potential phishing emails and warns users about potential threats.
  1. Malware Classification Prompt: Build an AI-based system to classify different types of malware for effective malware detection.


Prompt: Train an AI model to classify malware into different categories, such as viruses, trojans, and ransomware, for faster detection.
Expected Output: The AI-based system accurately classifies malware samples, aiding in rapid malware detection.
  1. Intrusion Detection System Prompt: Create an intrusion detection system to monitor network activities and identify intrusion attempts.


Prompt: Develop an intrusion detection system that continuously monitors network traffic and raises alerts when suspicious activities are detected.
Expected Output: The intrusion detection system promptly detects and notifies about potential unauthorized access attempts.
  1. Vulnerability Assessment Prompt: Implement a vulnerability assessment tool to identify and prioritize security weaknesses in a system.


Prompt: Create a vulnerability assessment tool that scans a network or application for potential security vulnerabilities and ranks them by severity.
Expected Output: The vulnerability assessment tool helps prioritize the mitigation of critical security weaknesses.
  1. Password Strength Analysis Prompt: Build a tool to analyze password strength and assess the risk of password-based attacks.


Prompt: Develop a password strength analysis tool to evaluate the strength of user passwords and suggest improvements.
Expected Output: The password strength analysis tool identifies weak passwords and guides users to create stronger ones.
  1. Behavioral Anomaly Detection Prompt: Train an AI model to recognize abnormal user behavior in systems and applications.


Prompt: Create an AI model that learns typical user behavior patterns and raises alerts when users deviate significantly from their usual behavior.
Expected Output: The behavioral anomaly detection system identifies suspicious user activities and potential insider threats.
  1. Web Application Firewall (WAF) Rules Prompt: Develop custom WAF rules to protect web applications from common attack vectors.


Prompt: Create custom WAF rules to mitigate common web application vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
Expected Output: The custom WAF rules strengthen the web application's defense against common attack vectors.
  1. Threat Intelligence Gathering Prompt: Build a system to gather threat intelligence from various sources and analyze potential threats.


Prompt: Develop a threat intelligence gathering system to collect information from security feeds, forums, and dark web sources.
Expected Output: The threat intelligence gathering system provides insights into emerging cyber threats and potential risks.
  1. Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Strategy Prompt: Implement a DLP strategy to prevent sensitive data leaks and unauthorized data exfiltration.


Prompt: Create a DLP strategy that includes data classification, encryption, and monitoring to safeguard sensitive information.
Expected Output: The DLP strategy minimizes the risk of data breaches and ensures sensitive data remains protected.
  1. Cloud Security Assessment Prompt: Conduct a security assessment for cloud infrastructure and services to identify potential weaknesses.


Prompt: Perform a security assessment of a cloud environment, examining identity management, access controls, and data encryption.
Expected Output: The cloud security assessment highlights potential vulnerabilities and offers recommendations for improvement.
  1. Firewall Rule Optimization Prompt: Optimize firewall rules to enhance network security while maintaining operational efficiency.


Prompt: Review and optimize existing firewall rules to ensure only necessary traffic is allowed while blocking unauthorized access.
Expected Output: The optimized firewall rules improve network security and reduce the risk of unauthorized access.
  1. Ransomware Detection Prompt: Build an AI-powered system to detect ransomware attacks and prevent data encryption.


Prompt: Create an AI model to analyze file activity patterns and detect ransomware behavior, triggering automatic containment to prevent data loss.
Expected Output: The AI-powered system detects ransomware attacks early, minimizing data loss and potential damages.
  1. Automated Patch Management Prompt: Develop an automated patch management system to keep software and systems up to date.


Prompt: Implement an automated patch management system that regularly scans for software vulnerabilities and deploys patches promptly.
Expected Output: The automated patch management system ensures critical vulnerabilities are addressed promptly.
  1. Identity and Access Management (IAM) Review Prompt: Conduct a review of IAM policies and permissions to ensure appropriate access controls.


Prompt: Review IAM permissions to verify that users have the necessary access rights and privilege levels for their roles.
Expected Output: The IAM review ensures that access controls are aligned with the principle of least privilege.
  1. Cyber Threat Hunting Prompt: Create a threat hunting process to proactively search for advanced threats and suspicious activities.


Prompt: Develop a threat hunting process that leverages threat intelligence and behavior analysis to identify potential cyber threats.
Expected Output: The cyber threat hunting process proactively identifies and neutralizes potential threats before they escalate.
  1. Secure Coding Guidelines Prompt: Establish secure coding guidelines and practices for software development teams.


Prompt: Develop a set of secure coding guidelines and conduct training sessions for software developers to follow secure coding practices.
Expected Output: The secure coding guidelines help developers write secure code and minimize the risk of vulnerabilities.
  1. Data Encryption Policy Prompt: Create a data encryption policy to safeguard sensitive information both at rest and in transit.


Prompt: Develop a data encryption policy that mandates the use of encryption for sensitive data stored on devices and transmitted over networks.
Expected Output: The data encryption policy ensures sensitive data remains protected from unauthorized access.
  1. Cybersecurity Awareness Training Prompt: Implement cybersecurity awareness training for employees to recognize and prevent security threats.


Prompt: Develop cybersecurity awareness training programs to educate employees about phishing, social engineering, and data protection.
Expected Output: The cybersecurity awareness training empowers employees to be vigilant against potential security threats.
  1. Mobile App Security Review Prompt: Conduct a security review of mobile applications to identify vulnerabilities and privacy risks.


Prompt: Perform a security review of a mobile app, analyzing code security, data handling practices, and privacy compliance.
Expected Output: The mobile app security review ensures the app is free from security vulnerabilities and privacy issues.
  1. Internet of Things (IoT) Security Assessment Prompt: Evaluate the security posture of IoT devices and networks to prevent IoT-based attacks.


Prompt: Conduct a security assessment of IoT devices and networks to identify potential entry points for cyberattacks.
Expected Output: The IoT security assessment mitigates the risks associated with IoT-based attacks.
  1. Incident Response Plan Prompt: Develop a comprehensive incident response plan to handle security incidents effectively.


Prompt: Create an incident response plan that outlines roles, communication protocols, and containment strategies for security incidents.
Expected Output: The incident response plan ensures a coordinated and swift response to security incidents.
  1. Network Segmentation Prompt: Implement network segmentation to isolate critical assets and limit the impact of security breaches.


Prompt: Design and implement network segmentation to separate critical systems from less sensitive ones, reducing the attack surface.
Expected Output: Network segmentation enhances security by restricting lateral movement for potential attackers.
  1. SIEM Configuration Prompt: Configure a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system for centralized threat monitoring.


Prompt: Set up a SIEM system to collect and analyze security event logs from various sources to identify potential security incidents.
Expected Output: The SIEM system provides real-time insights into security events, enabling quick response to threats.
  1. Passwordless Authentication Prompt: Implement passwordless authentication methods, such as biometrics or multi-factor authentication.


Prompt: Introduce passwordless authentication using biometric recognition or multi-factor authentication for enhanced user security.
Expected Output: Passwordless authentication improves user security and reduces the risk of password-related attacks.
  1. Zero Trust Security Model Prompt: Adopt the Zero Trust security model to verify and authorize every user and device attempting to access resources.


Prompt: Implement a Zero Trust security model that requires continuous verification of user identity and device health before granting access.
Expected Output: The Zero Trust security model enhances overall security by eliminating trust assumptions.
  1. Web Application Security Audit Prompt: Conduct a security audit of web applications to identify potential vulnerabilities.


Prompt: Perform a security audit of web applications, including code reviews and vulnerability assessments, to ensure robust security measures.
Expected Output: The web application security audit helps identify and address vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.
  1. Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing Prompt: Encourage cyber threat intelligence sharing with industry peers and security communities.


Prompt: Promote cyber threat intelligence sharing among organizations to collectively stay ahead of emerging threats.
Expected Output: Cyber threat intelligence sharing enhances the collective ability to respond to evolving cyber threats.
  1. Web Browser Security Configuration Prompt: Configure web browsers with security features to protect users from malicious websites.


Prompt: Configure web browsers with security settings, such as sandboxing and URL filtering, to block access to malicious sites.
Expected Output: The web browser security configuration shields users from potential web-based threats.
  1. Secure File Sharing Prompt: Implement secure file sharing methods, such as encryption and access controls, to protect sensitive data during transmission.


Prompt: Create a secure file sharing platform that uses encryption and access controls to protect sensitive data during file transfers.
Expected Output: Secure file sharing methods ensure data remains protected while being shared with authorized parties.
  1. Endpoint Security Management Prompt: Adopt endpoint security management tools to protect devices from malware and unauthorized access.


Prompt: Deploy endpoint security management tools to secure laptops and mobile devices from malware and potential data breaches.
Expected Output: Endpoint security management enhances device protection and data security.
  1. Social Media Account Security Prompt: Educate users about social media security and privacy settings to prevent social engineering attacks.


Prompt: Conduct awareness campaigns to educate users about the importance of strong passwords and privacy settings on social media accounts.
Expected Output: Users adopt better security practices to safeguard their social media accounts.
  1. Data Backup and Recovery Plan Prompt: Develop a comprehensive data backup and recovery plan to protect against data loss incidents.


Prompt: Create a data backup and recovery plan that includes regular data backups and test restoration procedures.
Expected Output: The data backup and recovery plan ensure critical data can be recovered in the event of data loss.
  1. Container Security Assessment Prompt: Conduct a security assessment of containers and containerized applications to prevent container-based attacks.


Prompt: Perform a security assessment of containers and containerized applications to identify potential security weaknesses.
Expected Output: The container security assessment enhances the security of containerized applications.
  1. Cybersecurity Incident Simulation Prompt: Conduct cybersecurity incident simulations to test the organization's response capabilities.


Prompt: Perform simulated cyberattack scenarios to evaluate the effectiveness of the incident response plan and identify areas for improvement.
Expected Output: The cybersecurity incident simulations prepare the organization for real-world security incidents.
  1. Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) Implementation Prompt: Integrate security practices into the software development lifecycle to produce secure code.


Prompt: Implement security checkpoints throughout the software development lifecycle to identify and address security vulnerabilities.
Expected Output: The secure SDLC ensures that software is developed with security considerations from the outset.
  1. Secure Remote Access Prompt: Establish secure remote access methods for employees and partners to access corporate resources.


Prompt: Implement secure remote access methods, such as VPNs and multi-factor authentication, to protect remote connections.
Expected Output: Secure remote access ensures that only authorized users can access corporate resources remotely.
  1. Data Encryption in Transit and at Rest Prompt: Enable data encryption for sensitive information both during transmission and storage.


Prompt: Encrypt data during transmission over networks and storage in databases or files to prevent unauthorized access.
Expected Output: Data encryption ensures sensitive information remains protected both during transmission and storage.
  1. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection Prompt: Implement CSRF protection mechanisms to prevent cross-site request forgery attacks.


Prompt: Introduce CSRF tokens and validation checks to protect web applications from CSRF attacks.
Expected Output: The CSRF protection mechanisms prevent attackers from forging unauthorized actions on behalf of users.
  1. Mobile Device Management (MDM) Implementation Prompt: Deploy Mobile Device Management to manage and secure mobile devices used within the organization.


Prompt: Implement MDM to enforce security policies on mobile devices, such as remote wipe and application whitelisting.
Expected Output: MDM ensures that mobile devices are compliant with security policies and can be remotely managed.
  1. Secure Internet of Things (IoT) Devices Prompt: Apply security best practices to IoT devices to protect against IoT-based attacks.


Prompt: Implement strong authentication and encryption mechanisms for IoT devices to prevent unauthorized access.
Expected Output: Secure IoT devices reduce the risk of compromise and protect user privacy.
  1. Centralized Log Management Prompt: Implement centralized log management to collect and analyze logs for security monitoring.


Prompt: Deploy a centralized log management system to collect logs from various systems and applications for security analysis.
Expected Output: Centralized log management provides comprehensive visibility into security events.
  1. Third-Party Vendor Security Assessment Prompt: Conduct security assessments of third-party vendors to ensure their security practices align with the organization's standards.


Prompt: Perform security assessments of third-party vendors to assess their security posture and potential risks to the organization.
Expected Output: Third-party vendor security assessments mitigate the risks associated with using external services.
  1. Data Leakage Prevention Prompt: Implement data leakage prevention measures to detect and prevent the unauthorized exfiltration of sensitive data.


Prompt: Deploy data leakage prevention tools and policies to monitor and prevent the unauthorized transfer of sensitive data.
Expected Output: Data leakage prevention measures safeguard sensitive data from accidental or intentional exposure.
  1. Wireless Network Security Audit Prompt: Conduct a wireless network security audit to identify vulnerabilities and secure Wi-Fi networks.


Prompt: Perform a wireless network security audit to detect unauthorized access points and weak encryption protocols.
Expected Output: The wireless network security audit strengthens Wi-Fi security and protects against unauthorized access.
  1. Cybersecurity Compliance Assessment Prompt: Assess the organization's cybersecurity compliance with industry standards and regulations.


Prompt: Conduct a cybersecurity compliance assessment to ensure adherence to relevant security standards and regulations.
Expected Output: The cybersecurity compliance assessment identifies gaps and ensures compliance with requirements.
  1. Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Implementation Prompt: Implement SFTP for secure file transfer to protect sensitive data during transmission.


Prompt: Enable SFTP as the preferred method for file transfer to ensure data confidentiality and integrity during transmission.
Expected Output: SFTP ensures secure file transfer and prevents unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  1. Network Access Control (NAC) Implementation Prompt: Deploy Network Access Control to enforce security policies for network-connected devices.


Prompt: Implement NAC to verify and enforce security policies for devices attempting to connect to the organization's network.
Expected Output: NAC enhances network security by ensuring only compliant devices can access the network.
  1. Cybersecurity Awareness Campaigns Prompt: Launch cybersecurity awareness campaigns to educate employees and users about security best practices.


Prompt: Conduct regular cybersecurity awareness campaigns to promote safe online behavior and awareness of common cyber threats.
Expected Output: Cybersecurity awareness campaigns improve overall security awareness within the organization.
  1. Real-Time Security Monitoring Prompt: Set up real-time security monitoring to detect and respond to security incidents proactively.


Prompt: Implement real-time security monitoring with alerting and automated response capabilities to address potential threats promptly.
Expected Output: Real-time security monitoring improves incident detection and response times.
Last Updated:
Contributors: rparth07